I am new to this, but here goes. You may have noticed I call myself a cowgirl, yes, I do know how to ride a horse although I don't anymore. I don't own a horse, I have some nice neigh-bors that I love to go visit. I think being a cowgirl is a state of mind. Among my definitions is a love for the countryside and the majesty that is "God's Country" or Wyoming. I have lived in other places too, but I am one of those people that have fallen under the spell of this country and it's wide open spaces. Wyoming sort of worms it's way into your heart and takes up permanent residence. If not, it's just a miserable place for you to be. I can't expand on that idea as I don't feel that way.
You may find me complaining from time to time in the Winter - that's known in these parts as Cabin Fever and we all get it, especially during the Winter we just had with 90 inches of snow from October to March. Fortunately, we didn't get it all at once. There is more moisture in Wyoming than we have had for several years, perhaps decades and none of us know how to act.
Currently we are having "The World's Largest Outdoor Rodeo" in Cheyenne, a great party for all who attend. The opening concert was Kiss and several of the local young people were awed! Last night was Clay Walker. The Air Force Thunderbirds put on an airshow yesterday. Out in the surrounding country large, expensive behemoths are harvesting wheat. My heart skips a beat when I see these large machines at work (especially if they are green).
WY does worm its way into your heart... i'm so glad i've found it, too! welcome to the blogging world (i have a blog if you care to take a gander... haven't blogged in a LONG time, though!)